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6243 Test-International Business_V(3177)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

作者:daixie119  来源:本站  发表时间:2022-1-20  点击:251

6243 Test-International Business_V(3177)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

一、简答题(三选二,每题30分,60分)Short answer questions (three selected two, 30 points per question, a total of 60 points)


Question1: What is the impact of a countrys mainstream religious or ethical system on different international business activities?


Question2: Describe the organizational structure that multinational companies may take to reduce control costs?

3. 采取自由贸易制度的潜在成本有哪些?您认为政府应该采取措施降低这些成本吗?如果是,应该采取什么措施?

Question3:  What are the potential costs of adopting a free trade system? Do you think the government should take measures to reduce these costs? If so, what measures should be taken?

二、论述题(二选一,每题40分,共40分)Discussion questions (two selected one, 40 points per question, a total of 40 points)


Question4: Try to put a little bit on the fixed exchange rate system and the floating exchange rate system. From the perspective of international business, what is the most important criterion for choosing between the two? Which system is more beneficial to international business?


Question5: Why have global capital markets developed so rapidly in recent decades? Do you think this development will continue in the next decade? why?

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