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6223 Test-Total Quality Managment_A(1425)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

作者:daixie119  来源:本站  发表时间:2022-1-20  点击:321

6223 Test-Total Quality Managment_A(1425)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

一、简答题(三选二,每题30分,60分)Short answer questions (three selected two, 30 points per question, a total of 60 points)


Question1: What do you think is the most important factor in reducing the cost of project management

2. 一家公司有两个主要的事业部,并且他们都处在同一处办公,一个是航空部,他的所有活动都在一个正式的矩阵内执行;一个是工业部,看看水产品行管理运作,没有管理信息系统,有一个非正式的矩阵。请问,如果这两个事业部不得不共享公司的资源,那么会有什么问题产生?

Question2: A company has two main business, and they are in the same office, an aviation department, all his activities in the implementation of a formal matrix; one is the Ministry of industry, see aquaculture conduct management operation, no management information system, there is a non-normal type matrix. If the two departments have to share the resources of the company, what will happen to them? 


Question3: Government policy makers believe that only higher vocational and high-level people can be project managers, because a good project manager needs enough influence to make the project go well. In the government, the project manager is generally the highest-ranking person in the project team. Excuse me, how to solve the salary scale problem? Is this government policy effective? 

二、论述题(二选一,每题40分,共40分)Discussion questions (two selected one, 40 points per question, a total of 40 points)

4. 项目管理被认为能有效利用资源的设计。大多数采用项目管理的公司发现,与过多的雇佣和解聘员工或加大费用相比,学非所用和进度计划超时更容易发生。一家大的电子设备制造公司认为,如果正确利用项目管理,就没有必要替换中途离开或退休离开公司的大部分资源。这种推理合理吗?

Question4: Project management is considered to be able to effectively use the design of resources. Most of the project management company found that, compared with the excessive employment and dismissal of employees or increase the cost and schedule on overtime are more likely to happen. A large electronic Equipment Manufacturing Company believes that if we use project management correctly, there is no need to replace most of the resources leaving or retiring. Is this reasoning reasonable? 

4. 当学习曲线绘制在普通坐标纸上时,曲线将趋近于水平。但是,如果把曲线绘制在对数坐标上,那么曲线体现出来的改进(成本或生产时间的减少和缩短了)将是无限的。你如何解释这个不同?这种改变的发生是无限的吗?如果不是,又是什么限制了改进的连续性呢?

Question5: When the learning curve is drawn on a common coordinate paper, the curve will close to the level. However, if the curve is plotted on logarithmic coordinates, then the improvement of the curve (the reduction or shortening of cost or production time) will be infinite. How do you explain this difference? Is this change unlimitless? If not, what limits the continuity of improvement? 

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